ROI Calculator
can drive significant financial impact for your organization.
See below for overall benefits HR Plus can deliver.
ROI Calculator
[Annual Revenue x Financial Impact of improving productivity]
[Annual Salary x Reduction in absenteeism]
[Reduction of Turnover x Average Cost of Hire]
[Annual Revenue x Financial Impact of increasing Customer Rating]
[Total HR Work Hour spent x Admin Reduction Impact]
[Sum Financial Impact x ramp up multiplier]
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Frequently Asked Questions
Employee Experience 101
Employee Experience refers to everything your employees live, feel and perceive in each stage of their employee lifecycle. Contrast this to traditional Employee Engagement models, Employee Experience takes a more holistic approach in answering your employee needs in a more personalized approach.
Why Employee Experience matters?
New Gens expect personalized benefits and work arrangements
Gen Z and Millennial workforce are more dynamic than generations before them. They expect to be rewarded according to their personalized motivation and career goals. A unified benefit scheme and inflexible work arrangement is simply unable to satisfy their personalized needs.
Money is no longer the primary motivating factor
Pay rise may keep your employees satisfied for 3, or even 6 months at best, but there is always a higher bidder in the market. Employee Experience is the only way you can stand out from the rest of your competitors.
Perception is the Reality
With social media trending on workplace topics and company critics, your company’s reputation is more vulnerable to damaging reviews and what may take a second to post on social media may take years to restore your reputation. Securing a positive employee perception for your company simply stops the problem from the source.
What is the business impact of Employee Experience
An Organization that masters the art of employee experience will not only maximize their employees’ potential at work and generate better service with their customers. They will also promote their brand to their social network when they move on to their next job.
How we measure your ROI?
While the return of investment varies based on the context of your business nature and other socio-cultural factors. We design our ROI formula based on more conservative assumptions to generate the minimum return you will receive.
Our ROI results is Research-Proof
Contrary to common perceptions, the studies about the correlation of employee experience and key organisational performance metrics have been undertaken for decades both commercially and academically.
Our research team carefully references latest empirical research findings to generate our ROI result for you.